Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy. This page describes how Conscious Creator (“we” “our” or “us”) collects, stores, and manages personal information from our Visitors and Contacts (“you” or “your”). Personal information is information that makes a person identifiable, including but not limited to your name and email address.


When you choose to sign up for my newsletter, your information is collected and stored in Google Drive. Your information is imported to Mailchimp, the delivery service used to design and send Conscious Creator correspondence. You can read Mailchimp’s Privacy Policy here.

Disclaimers and Limits of Liability

This website contains general information only. Please reach out via our contact email for the most current and verified information, offerings, and other inquiries.

The website is a work-in-progress and is provided to you as-is. We make no warranties that the site will be secure, free from viruses, free from errors, or perform to all performance criteria or ratings.

You are using this website at your own risk and assume full responsibility and risk of loss that could result from using the website in terms of data or information. The website may link you to other online resources and websites, over which we have no control and make to warranty.

The above disclaimers and liability extend to our partners, personnel, and co-creators and are applicable to the fullest extent by law.